Unplanned Adventure: Crossing the Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway

  ### Unplanned Adventure: Crossing the Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway It was the dawn of a new day when my first cousin, younger sister, and ...

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Unplanned Adventure: Crossing the Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway

 ### Unplanned Adventure: Crossing the Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway

It was the dawn of a new day when my first cousin, younger sister, and I decided to embark on an unplanned adventure. On a Saturday morning at around 4:30 am, we left my sister's apartment in Labangon, Cebu City, fueled by excitement and anticipation. Our destination? The Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX), a remarkable feat of engineering that connects Cebu City with the municipality of Cordova. Stretching over 8 kilometers, this expressway offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Cebu Strait and is a marvel of modern infrastructure. The morning air was crisp, and the streets were almost eerily silent, giving us a sense of calm before the day’s activities. We hadn't planned for this in advance, making the journey all the more thrilling. With each step out the door, our curiosity and eagerness only grew stronger, thinking about what lay ahead on this massive bridge that connects two vibrant cities.

### The Early Morning Departure

The city was still shrouded in darkness as we hopped into a taxi bound for SM Seaside. The air was crisp, and the streets were quiet, adding a sense of tranquility to our journey. The atmosphere felt almost surreal, like we were the only ones awake in the entire city. Despite the early hour, our spirits were high, bubbling with excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. The thrill of embarking on this unplanned adventure was palpable. Little did we know, our enthusiasm would soon be put to the test. 

As the taxi sped through the sleepy streets, the city seemed to come alive in our minds. We shared stories and laughter, each of us speculating on what the day might bring. The early morning had a certain magic to it, with the promise of a new adventure breaking the monotony of our usual routines. The taxi driver, sensing our excitement, shared his own tales of the expressway, adding to our anticipation. The streetlights cast long shadows, creating a dance of light and darkness that mirrored our own journey into the unknown.

As we approached our drop-off point, the faint glow of the impending sunrise started to paint the horizon, signaling the start of a significant experience. The sky transitioned from deep blue to shades of pink and orange, reflecting our own journey from uncertainty to discovery. This fleeting moment of dawn, with its quiet beauty, set the perfect stage for our adventure. It felt as if the entire universe was conspiring to make this day special for us. The combination of the serene cityscape, the crisp morning air, and our shared excitement created a unique blend of emotions that would fuel us for the journey ahead.

### Arrival and the Long Wait

We arrived at SM Seaside, where the entrance gate to the expressway would open at 5:00 am. To our surprise, a long queue had already formed, filled with other eager adventurers ready to take on the bridge. The crowd was a diverse mix of individuals—families, groups of friends, fitness enthusiasts, and curious first-timers like us. Each person carried an air of excitement, some snapping photos, others chatting animatedly. We realized that, in our excitement, we had skipped any pre-walk stretching, a decision we would later come to regret. The cold, early morning air began to settle into our bones, making our unprepared muscles stiff and taut.

The line was a blend of people from all walks of life, each with their own stories and reasons for being there. Some had planned this journey meticulously, while others, like us, were swept up in the spontaneity of the moment. As we waited, the air buzzed with anticipation and the hum of quiet conversations. We passed the time by sharing more stories and taking in the sight of the ever-growing crowd, all sharing the same excitement for the journey that lay ahead. The sense of community was palpable; strangers exchanged smiles and words of encouragement, united by the shared goal of conquering the bridge.

As we stood there, the sky slowly transitioned from the inky darkness of night to the soft hues of dawn. The horizon began to glow with shades of pink and orange, casting a warm light on the eager faces around us. The anticipation was building, and the energy was contagious. We felt a mix of nervousness and exhilaration, knowing that we were about to embark on something truly memorable. The sounds of nature waking up around us added to the serene yet electrifying atmosphere, creating a perfect prelude to our adventure.

### The Journey Begins

By the time we reached the front of the queue and began our walk, it was already 5:45 am. The sky was beginning to lighten, painting a beautiful backdrop for our journey. The initial part of the walk was filled with laughter and chatter as we soaked in the novelty of our experience. The bridge, an architectural marvel, stretched out before us, promising both challenge and reward. The long stretch of the expressway seemed to beckon us forward, its sleek, modern design a testament to human ingenuity.

Each step brought new views and new thoughts about the day's potential. The camaraderie among us was palpable, as we motivated each other to keep moving forward, sharing in the joy of this new and exciting adventure. The combination of fresh air, beautiful dawn, and shared excitement made those early moments some of the most memorable. We could see the cityscape fading behind us, while the open expanse of the sea lay ahead, creating a perfect juxtaposition of urban life and natural beauty.

The journey felt like a celebration of life itself, with every step affirming our ability to embark on new adventures, no matter how daunting. The path ahead was unknown, but our spirits were high, and our determination unwavering. The initial lightness in our steps mirrored the lightening sky, both promising a bright and fulfilling journey ahead.

### The Challenge Unfolds

As we progressed, the sheer length of the expressway became apparent. The initial excitement gave way to a more subdued determination. With each step, we marveled at the engineering marvel beneath our feet and the stunning views around us. The vastness of the ocean on either side and the occasional sight of boats gliding over the water provided a mesmerizing backdrop to our walk. However, the lack of preparation started to take its toll. Our muscles began to ache, and the path seemed never-ending.

We encouraged each other, drawing strength from our collective resolve to reach Cordova. The bridge seemed to stretch infinitely, with the end always just out of sight. We shared water and energy bars, keeping each other hydrated and motivated. The sun's rays began to intensify, adding another layer of challenge to our journey. The once cool and refreshing breeze turned warmer, and we felt the sweat beginning to bead on our foreheads. Despite the physical strain, we found moments to appreciate the serene beauty of the ocean and skyline, which provided brief respites and renewed our determination.

The journey became a test of endurance and mental strength, as we pushed past the initial enthusiasm and faced the reality of the distance ahead. Every step became a small victory, and every encouraging word from a fellow traveler a boost to our spirits. The journey was not just about reaching Cordova but also about experiencing the challenge together, learning to push beyond our limits, and finding joy in the shared struggle. The scenic views and the promise of a rewarding end kept us moving, reminding us that every challenge is surmountable with the right mindset and support.

### Reaching Cordova

Hours passed, and the sun climbed higher in the sky, its warmth intensifying with each passing minute. We trudged on, feeling the gradual increase in temperature with each step. The bridge, which initially felt like a path to an exciting adventure, began to feel like a never-ending journey. Our pace slowed, and our conversations became less frequent as we focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Yet, the thought of reaching Cordova kept us going. 

At around 8:00 am, we finally reached Cordova. The sight of the entrance gate brought a rush of relief and exhilaration. Exhausted but exhilarated, we looked back at the distance we had covered. The sun was hot now, beating down on us, but the sense of accomplishment overshadowed any discomfort. Our feet were sore, and our bodies weary, but our hearts were full of pride. This journey, though tough, was a testament to our resilience and determination. 

We were welcomed by the enticing smell of sticky rice and coconut milk at the Cordova entrance gate. We took a slice with great anticipation, enjoying the soothing and sweet flavors. The rich and creamy coconut milk went incredibly well with the soft, somewhat sweet sticky rice. Our bodies felt revitalized and our spirits were uplifted by the modest yet extremely satisfying supper. We took a seat and enjoyed the meal and the brief respite for a while.

After eating, we took photos to capture this once-in-a-lifetime adventure. The background of the bridge, the sea, and the bright morning sky provided the perfect setting for our snapshots. Each photo was a memento of our journey, a reminder of our shared determination and the beauty we had encountered along the way. We posed with wide smiles, arms around each other, the fatigue in our eyes overshadowed by the joy and pride we felt.

Standing there in Cordova, the feeling was indescribable. It wasn't just about reaching a physical destination, but about proving to ourselves what we were capable of achieving together. We reflected on the challenges we had faced and overcome, the moments of doubt and the bursts of encouragement that had carried us through. This journey had strengthened our bond and showed us that we could achieve great things when we worked together.

The sense of accomplishment was profound. We had set out on an unplanned adventure and had seen it through to the end, despite the obstacles. The journey had taught us valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and the importance of supporting one another. As we stood there, basking in the glow of our achievement, we knew that this experience would stay with us forever, a cherished memory of a day when we conquered both a bridge and our own doubts.

### Going Back to Labangon

After resting and enjoying a hearty meal at the Cordova gate, we decided to continue our adventure by heading to the Nuestra Señora de Regla Parish to pray. We hopped onto a Public Utility Jeepney (PUJ) that took us to the church, where we spent a few peaceful moments in reflection and gratitude. The serene ambiance of the parish offered a perfect end to our spiritual journey.

Behind the church lies the Ferry Terminal, conveniently located near the DepEd Lapu-Lapu City. Here, we prepared for our journey back to Cebu City. The ferry ride offered a different perspective of the bustling waters between Mactan and Cebu. The fares were reasonable, ensuring that this leg of our trip was both affordable and scenic.

We rested and took in the scenery of the surrounding waterways during the roughly 20-minute voyage back to Cebu City. The cold sea wind and the ferry's gently rolling made for a comforting change after our previous hike. When the ship docked, we got off with a fresh outlook on life and a greater respect for the impromptu voyage we had made.                 

Restrictions and Rules

It's important to note that there are several restrictions for those planning to use the CCLEX sidewalk.

These are the following restrictions in CCLEX: 

  1. The use of any kind of inline skates and roller blades 
  2. standing roller coasters, and unicycles is strictly prohibited. 
  3. Leaning on the barrier, urinating, jaywalking, and crossing the barriers are also not allowed. Additionally, sitting or climbing the railings, walking while under the influence of alcohol, and bringing alcoholic beverages are forbidden. 
  4. Flying kites and drones, fishing, and bringing fishing rods are also restricted. 
  5. The expressway bans the carrying of deadly weapons. 
  6. The presence of children below 3 feet, vendors, and the bringing of pets. 
  7. Any other restrictions imposed by the security personnel on site must also be followed. 
  8. It's also strictly no U-Turn. However, for your safety and convenience, you can find an SOS or emergency phone booth where you can call the personnel on site for help.

Reflection on the Experience

Crossing the Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway for the first time was an unforgettable experience. Despite the physical challenges and the unplanned nature of our adventure, the journey was filled with moments of joy and camaraderie. It was a reminder of the beauty of spontaneity and the rewards of pushing beyond our limits. As we stood there in Cordova, basking in the glow of our achievement, we reflected on the journey. Every ache and every tired muscle was a badge of honor. The bonds we strengthened, the laughs we shared, and the challenges we overcame together made this more than just a walk; it was a shared adventure that we would cherish forever. We promised ourselves to plan better next time—but also to cherish the unplanned moments that make life truly memorable.